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My Rabbit :)

22 10:05:17

I have this rabbit, he's a new zealand white, and he's kinda old. He's very sweet he doesnt mind things to much. But theres a problem, he bites ALOT. almost anything in his way he bites. He's bitten my toe, and one day i was listening to my ipod and he grabbed the wires and pulled them and shaking them like a dog. He also eats alot. I thought maybe i wasnt feeding him enough so i gave him more feed then usual but that hasnt helped at all. I've checked his teeth and they are fine. It would be helpful for any kind of information or some idea of why he does this so much.  

Dear Courtney,

A rabbit isn't old until he's at least ten, so your bunny may not be as old as you think!

A BWUB (Big White Uber Bunny) like your pal has a big, strong, humorous personality, and he's just trying to get your attention by "talking with his teeth".  I'm betting he didn't draw blood when he grabbed your toe:  just pinched hard enough to make you jump, and that got your attention, which is exactly what he wanted!

For information on his diet, please read:

If he's not neutered, then having him "fixed" will make him less feisty, though some of his behaviors might just be part of his cute personality.  He's saying, "Hey, quit with the iPod.  I want cuddles!"  But you can read more about spay/neuter here:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
