Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny wont eat veggies!

My bunny wont eat veggies!

22 9:48:29

My female dwarf rabbit Lilah is 7 months old. She eats 1/4 cup of pellets per day, and constantly has hay in her cage to eat whenever she wants. Every time I try to feed her veggies or fruit, she grunts and runs away. I've tried hand feeding her and putting the veggies in her food bowl, but she always just eats around them to get to the pellets. I give her 2 yogurt drops a day as a treat, but that's it. She gets no other variation in her diet. I'm concerned because I know that rabbits need to eat fruits and veggies, but what can I do if she doesn't like them? These are some of the things I've tried: carrots, peaches, apples, and celery.
Another thing I was wondering if you could help with; I've noticed some small black dots on the inside part of Lilah's left ear. They are flat marks and I don't know if I've just never noticed or maybe she has some kind of mite? If you could help me out that would be great! Thanks Dave!

hi Michelle dont worry the pellets are all she needs mine only eat pellets and nothing else
all the vitamins they need are in the pellets.
keep a eye on her ears and if they get worse buy some skin mite cream from the pet store and rub on.