Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > floppy eared rabbit scratching constantly

floppy eared rabbit scratching constantly

22 9:48:30

I just bought this rabbit today. It is two months old. It has started scratching itself alot. what could this be and what should i do to help it.


your bunny most likely has some kind of fleas or mites that are causing him irritation and the scratching.

The solution is to go to a good rabbit vet, being a new rabbit owner, and getting a proper diagnosis and medicine that will treat whatever is causing this, without killing your rabbit.  Don't just get any off the shelf stuff because most of that will kill your rabbit.  You need to get a rabbit-safe medicine from a good rabbit vet, so that your bunny gets diagnosed properly and given safe medicine that will work on the problem he has.

Start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.