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feeding and other

22 11:37:10

I was wondering how often my little dwarf rabbits should be pooping throughout the day? And also, How can I tell if one is female and the other is male. thank you

Dear Crystal,

Rabbits go to the bathroom at all hours of the day and night!
As for telling male from female--hold the bunny upside down on your lap, preferably facing out. Carefully use your thumb and forefinger to separate the tail from the upper section. At this point, you should see the genitalia. On an adult male, you will probably find "male bunny parts" which will tell you that, yes, you have a male. If the genital showing has a little slit in front, it is probably a female. It might be more helpful to you, though, to find a pet rabbit book that shows a picture of each.

I hope this helps
God Bless