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will the rabbits fight

22 11:04:27

i have a friend that has 2 male rabbits. she lets them run around her backyard. i also have a male rabbit. i want to know if it will be ok to intrduce my rabbit to hers in the backyard or will they fight. my rabbit is only 6months hers are adults

Hi Ossie,
you can try,but make sure you're there with them and don't leave them alone even for 1 minute..a fight can break out at any time.  Since yours is 6 months it MAY be alright to try males are extremely territorial and the 2 will certainly feel that they have to defend their territory.  Try putting lots of carrot peices and treats around to distract them while you put the 6 month old in..if a fight does start,remove yours immediately before he gets injured.
If the 2 males are neutered it will be no problem at all.
Good luck,Elizabeth