Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > why do my two male rabbits bite each other

why do my two male rabbits bite each other

22 10:54:51

I have one 9 year old rabbit, and one 2 year old rabbit.
I got my 2 year old rabbit yesterday and my 9 year old rabbit
9 years ago.When i put them out of there cages, to run around,
they both start jumping on each other, and bitting each other.
So, can you please tell me why this is happening, thanks.

Hi Matthew

You can't just put 2 un-bonded rabbits together.  You are lucky they didn't kill each other.  It is nearly impossible to bond 2 un-neutered bucks.  

Here is a site that explains everything.  It is far easier than me re-typing everything.

Thank you
