Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bun being weird

bun being weird

22 9:50:42

hello. my 3 year old dwarf bun is collecting hay in his mouth, then he just sits there with it. after about 30 min he puts it down and starts to eat it. i am sure he is a boy. any idea on why he does this?

Dear Jean,

Well, first make sure sure sure he's a boy. This is typical nesting behavior.  You might be able to find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

via the international listings link.

But if he's truly a boy, then he might just have an idiosyncratic habit of carrying his hay to a place he likes to eat it.

(In very rare cases, there are hermaphroditic rabbits.  But this would be worthy of a publication, so I really doubt this is what's going on.  Still, just a thought.)
