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giving my rabbit injections

22 10:41:12

Hi Lee, I live in the UK and I have to give my rabbit daily injections of Pen G, I find this quite scary but itis the only thing that seems to be giving her a chance against her jaw abscesses, i have read that a rabbits skin is very thin, is this true? my vet told me that rabbits have tough skin and that i had to put pressure on the needle to pierce the skin, i am confused,is the skin hard to pierce or not? i don,t want to hurt her, hope you can help.

Hi Susan,

rabbits do have very thin skin.  But there is surface tension to anything and there is a certain amount of pressure to get through the skin.  I wouldn't say that rabbits have 'tough' skin.  It tears pretty easily, so much so that they are pretty careful putting stitches in because it they suture too tightly they can tear the skin.  

I am assuming that he showed you how to 'tent' the skin at the shoulders and then pop the needle through.  I would think that you don't have to use a very large needle so it should not be that painful.

As for the jaw infections, I would ask your vet if there isn't some stronger oral antibiotic that would be easier to give, like chloramphenicol (the next step up from baytril).  Is the problem in the jaw (I am assuming tooth growth problems) with the teeth now take care of so that the abscesses will actually able to be healed without the teeth causing them again?

If I were you I'd also check around with local shelters and rabbit rescue groups for their recommendations for good rabbit vets in your area.  
