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My rabbit has a tumour

22 10:42:53

My rabbit seemed lethargic and not eating much so I took him to the vet. I live in England. She has told me has a tumour in his tummy. We talked about surgery but she said the tumour was large and she didn't hold out much hope and it was likely he could die in the operating theatre. I've brought him home and he's on a liquid painkiller twice a day and pro-biotic supplements. Can rabbits live with tumours, I keep hoping it might just go away. He seems much more like his old self in the three days since the diagnosis. He is eating again and passing urine/stools normally. He is four and a much-loved family member. Should I risk surgery or let him go on as he is? I would be grateful for your advice.

Dear Linda,

If the vet only palpated the mass and proclaimed "tumor," then you might want to get a second opinion.  I'm not there, and can't see or feel your bunny's abdomen.  But  there are other things besides a tumor that can feel like a mass, including an abscess, or even a mass of desiccated food in the intestine that needs hydration.

If the vet you saw is not very experienced with rabbits, she may not be familiar with some of the above.  I would suggest you use the list linked here:

to find another vet who can give you a second opinion.  I would ask about radiographs and other diagnostic tools to get a really accurate diagnosis, if these have not already been used.

If this really is a tumor that is malignant, then the prognosis is not good.  But before you give up hope, I hope you'll be able to find another vet who can confirm or refute what the first vet has told you.

I hope this helps.
