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multiple litters

22 10:38:40

Hello, I am hoping you can help me. My doe has a litter of 6 kittens. They are 31 days old. Last night she gave birth to another 6 kittens. She was living constantly with the buck until 3 or 4 days before the first litter was born, and has not been with him since. Can you tell me how this is possible? Also, her first litter do not seem to take any notice of the new babies, and the doe is not chasing the older kittens, so are they alright to leave together for a couple more weeks, or should they be separated?

Dear Evette,

If the parent rabbits are separated only by wire, then they can possibly mate through that.  I've heard of it happening.  

Rabbits are induced ovulators, which means they ovulate when they mate.  The fact that the second litter came 31 days after the first (pretty much right on the money for gestation) suggests that the parents mated 31 days ago somehow.  

The new babies may not be able to compete for food with the older ones, so make sure mama feeds them first, if possible.  Watch them for signs of shrunken belly, wrinkly, greyish skin, and cold temperature, which are signs they're not being fed adequately.  If you have to feed them supplementally, then I hope this information will help:

Good luck!
