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crusty nose

22 10:37:19

I found a rabbit the day after Thanksgiving. I immediately took her to the vet. She had a respirtory infection. Around her nose and mouth were all red and sore looking. I thought she was attacked by a cat or dog. The vet prescribed BAYTROL and gave me a spray: BETAGEN. She is breathing and looking much better but around the nose and mouth is crusty looking, yellow in color. The vet took a sample to check for ringworm. I am still waiting for results. What could the crusty-ness be? Should I see another vet for a second opinion? Her eyes are clear.

Dear Regina,

Thank you for rescuing the little bunny.  What a happy Thanksgiving for him!

I'm glad the upper respiratory infection is getting better.  But the yellowish crust may have nothing to do with it.  Most of the stressed-out strays we get have mange, and the description you give sounds like that (it looks completely different in dogs and cats).

Please read this:

for a full description and safe treatments.  

If you're not sure the vet you're seeing is experienced with rabbits, you may be able to find another vet here for a second opinion:

Hope this helps.
