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My Bunny died =[

22 10:08:00

My pet rabbit died. I fed her every day at about four o'clock P.M. I gave her water when it got down to about half the bottle. My other rabbit is still alive and i have had her longer. She was agressive toward the new one so i kept them in different cages beside each other. I thaught it was the cold that killed her because we keep them in our back hall, But she had thicker fur than Honey Buns(not dead). I fed them apples and carrots and Marshmallow's(dead) old owners never fed her apples so i thaught she had an allergic reaction. Honey Buns eats Apples too.


I am sorry for your loss.  We lost one of ours recently.

Diet probably was a factor.  The cold, and change of seasons can be a factor.  Sometimes rabbits during the change of seasons don't drink enough as it gets drier, and that can cause their gut to have problems and dry out, and this is not good and it can lead to the gut shutting down, as well as the body going into shock from dehydration.

Always make sure your rabbits have plenty to drink and watch the water levels every day.  If they don't appear to be drinking enough you will need to feed them water thru a plastic dropper (sitting in your lap) and do it very slowly so they don't choke on it.  You don't want it ending up in their lungs.

It is better to keep rabbits indoors always, but especially during the winter.  For obvious reasons.  

You also should make sure you have them on the right diet.  Hay is critical for their health.  It should be the thing they eat the most of.  then good hay pellets without extra crap like nuts nad seeds and fruit (too many calories and sugar).  A small piece of greens, and avoid fruits.  

If you cna pick up a copy of The House Rabbit Handbook, and also go to the House Rabbit Society web site ( and search for articles on "nutrition".