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My doe, Sniffers, and my buck, Mr. Buggsie

22 11:19:11

 I need help, despritly!! My 2 y/o doe, Sniffers, is pulling her fur, but she hasn't been bred sence June 2005. She has also pulled the fur on her front toes. My buck, Mr. Buggsie, has been having very runny stool sence I got him late last summer. We don't know how old he is, but we do know that water-melon makes it worse. Can you please help me figure out whats wrong with my baby's? Also, we tryed to breed Sniffers in Febuary or March of this year but she never gave birth to any baby's.
                    Thank You for Your Time,
                           Megan Russell

Could Sniffers have some sort of skin problem?  Pulling fur off her feet is unusual.  You can find information on various skin conditions at

As for Buggsie, does he eat veggies and hay and pellets all the time?  Have you tried totally eliminating veggies so he is only eating hay and pellets?  Have you tried different pellets?  There are many reasons he could have soft stools.  You can read more about those at

I cannot help you on the breeding part, we don't breed rabbits.  Is it possible that one or both of them is neutered?

Good luck.
