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Rabbit - French Lop with bad leg

22 10:15:54

When i went feeding the rabbit i noticed that she could't stand up properly. i put some veg down a few feet away and she went towards it but she was dragging her  back left leg. i felt it and it feels different to what her right leg feels at the joint. it doesn't seem that she is in pain (she doesnt bother about me touching it). what could be wrong with her? should i take her to the vets??

Dear Lauren,

Of COURSE you should take her to the vet.  If you were unable to use your leg, you'd be at the hospital in a heartbeat.  Please consider your bunny no different, even if she is being stoic about the pain.

Rabbits are "wired" not to show pain, as they are prey animals who evolved not to appear weak, and thus attract predators.  She is in pain, even if she is not showing it, and she needs immediate care of an experienced rabbit vet.  Find one here:

and get her there immediately.

I hope that helps.
