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Ear Problems

22 9:37:46

I really need advice on a problem with my 22 month old lop eared rabbit Jayden. A couple of weeks ago I noticed he was shaking his head a scratching his ears. The vet took swabs of both ears which showed bacterial infection. After applying Aurizon drops for 2 weeks it hasn't helped. Now he has been given a course of Baytril and I am to take him back in 1 week. What's worrying me is that I've been told that he more than likely will need to be sedated and have his ears flushed. Now my other lop eared rabbit Lola is also starting the shake her head and itch. I asked if it was catching but was told no.  I am really worried about the procedure of flushing the ears, is there any other advice you could suggest to help. Thank you, Julia

Hi Julia,

Did your vet treat the rabbit for ear mites?  Just because she didn't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.  Considering your other bunny is having the same issue that would be my guess.  If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck then treat it as a duck, even if it isn't a duck.  Revolution is a topical medication that goes on the back of their neck.  It is very safe for bunnies and if it is ear mites it will kill them.  It doesn't have to be repeated like the other treatments do.  The only problem is that you need a prescription for it and some vets don't carry it.

Is your vet able to get a culture out of the ear?  If they can get a swab they can send it in for a culture and if it is a bacterial infection they can find out which antibiotic will kill it.  

I have never seen a bunny that had to have its ears flushed.  I have seen them with crust so bad that they can't hear but within a day or two of treatment all of that gunk was gone.  If you are not confident with your vets decision then I suggest you get a second opinion.  You can find a list of rabbit savvy vets here:

Good luck and I wish you and your bunnies well.
