Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My Son 18 years Old had Pet Rabbit Sleeping in the same room.

My Son 18 years Old had Pet Rabbit Sleeping in the same room.

22 9:48:34

My Son (18)has a pet rabbit which we put in a cage with the plastic Tub 1/3 full of Hey.
Should I be concerned for My sons long term Health of breathing the air with the Pet rabbit in the same room with the hey.
I suggested to him that we can get another cage and place it in the laundry room so we can transfer the rabbit there during nighttime hours and bring him back during the day?
Peter Beck

Hi Peter,

Does your son have an allergy to hay?  Unless he has an allergy or is sensitive it is not going to hurt him.  I have had a rabbit living in my bedroom for over 10 years.  The biggest problem with the hay is that it can be dusty.  If he has health problems I would encourage him to move the bunny.  If not then I would let him make the ultimate choice.

Good luck
