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Plastic chewing bunny

22 10:02:11

Hi! Thanks so much for reading. My rabbit seems to love to chew everything, but when she chews them she tends to actually eat what she is chewing on. There was a couple times that I was too late to stop her from eating little bites out of some plastic. It has been a couple days, and she is still eating and poopping fine, but i haven't seen any plastic come out. Should I be concerend?  Thanks in advance. Catrina

Dear Catina

Rabbits usually chew things up into very tiny bits before swallowing them, so it's very likely that any bits of hard plastic have already gone through.  Some may be in the stomach, combined with wads of hair and food that are pretty much always there, and constantly degrading and passing, but I doubt they will cause a problem if they are very small.

If you are concerned, you could get her to a good rabbit vet for a full checkup, and do mention the plastic:

Hope she grows out of this behavior soon!  Note that spaying her will help curb her tendency to chew on things she shouldn't, and as she gets older, she should calm down, too.
