Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Sneezing house rabbit

Sneezing house rabbit

22 9:56:23

Hi, we have a house rabbit, he is 6 months old.  We have noticed that he
sneezes quite a lot and recently on a couple of occasions when he has
sneezed a small discharge has come from his nose.  Yesterday and today he
has not been his usual self, he has been quiet and not his usual perky self. Do
you think there maybe something to worry about.
Your advise would be very welcome.

Dear Shirley,

Any time a bunny acts more quiet than usual, it's cause for concern.  Here are instructions to help you determine if he's sick, and *how* sick (i.e., if it's an emergency, and you need to find a vet right away):

This will also give instructions on what to do until you can get him to the vet. Please read:

so you'll know what to ask the vet, and this might help, too:

You may be able to find a good rabbit vet with the listings linked here:

I hope this helps.
