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Immaculate conception

22 10:13:46

Hi.I was given a male2 year old chichilla rabbit who had never bred and a 7 yearold female lop.Iwas told i could keep them together as the female was too old to breed.Anyway on the 6/7 October they had 3 babies, I took the male out straight away but on the 6/7 november she had another 5 live babies and one dead.I didnt expect babies and am a novice at rabbit keeping,and am going by the book.The 3 oldest are just starting to feed on baby food but one of them is still using mum completely.The seperated male has been picked on in the past and been bullied by guinea pigs so I want to get another rabbit in with him as soon as possible.Any advice you can give me on my situation would be helpful.e.g what is the earliest i can take a boy rabbit from its mother and house it with the father,alsos there anything i can do to help the situation of having 2 different age litters in the same cage.

Hello Karen!
Well what a situation.
I can tell you that after a doe has babies she is already ready to breed again this is the way nature has it so a wild rabbit can have 3 litters a year all in the spring.
As for your situation it seems like your buck bred the doe as soon as she had her babies this is common with people who are new to rabbits and DO NOT keep their rabbits separated. ( They do not need company to live happy).
It is more responsible to breed when you and they are ready as opposed to by chance or accident.
I suggest you get more cages ASAP. You must not keep the babies with the father they will fight as the young one matures.
You can wean the babies from the first litter at 5-6 weeks old they will be ok by then and they will be eating & drinking on their own.
I wish you luck with this experience.
And if you want to breed  for pets or food you need to do it responsibly !