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22 10:33:52

My bunny is 10 and a half months now, and basically,ive had him since the day he was born.But Im worried!

He has been horny and aggressive for about 2-3 weeks now,and frankly,I have had the last straw.

We are getting him neutered on Monday,but Im wondering is it a waste of time and money???Is it just a phase?When will it end???

My  dad says he wont be as happy,butI think he will be happIER,And go back to the sweet loving bunny he was,Doing cute little Binkys 24/7!Whos right?

Please try and reply sooon.


Dear Chloe,

YOU are right.  Your bunny is sexually frustrated, and this will make him aggressive and humpy all the time.  I can appreciate that your dad identifies with the bunny, and doesn't like the idea of removing the testicles (men!).  But it's really for the good of the whole family.

Your bunny will calm down, and he will still be his affectionate self.  It's smart to have this important surgery done soon, before his aggression becomes a learned habit!

Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

to be sure the operation is done safely.  

Hope this helps!
