Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Our Rabbit has lost a lot of weight since the first of August

Our Rabbit has lost a lot of weight since the first of August

22 9:48:58

Our rabbit, a Holland Lop, has lost enough weight that we can feel his back bone.  We could not do this previously.  He is eating normal.  He gets a 16% protein food pellet and Timothy Hay.   We also give him papaya tablets once a week.    He has always drank a lot of water.  He is producing a lot of dark urine.    We are not sure what to do next.  

Any suggestions?

Hi Lori,

Dark urine may or may not be a bad thing.  Their urine can be pigmented anywhere from pale yellow to dark reddish brown.  Any time a bunny has any signs of illness it is best to get them to a vet for a full examination including a blood test.  Bunnies that drink a lot of water can have kidney issues.  Sometimes they have this their whole lives but as they get older they develop symptoms.  I would strongly recommend that you get your bunny examined by a vet.  You can also feed your bunny rabbit safe veggies along with his pellets.  This may help him to keep his weight on.  

If you do not already have a vet you can try here:

Good luck
