Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny strictly living outdoors and it is suppose to freeze this week

bunny strictly living outdoors and it is suppose to freeze this week

22 9:54:00

I have a rabbit who is kept strictly outside in a 10 x 10 foot cage. He has 2 dog "houses" and a burrow in the cage (the cage is on the groud so the floor of the cage is dirt). I live in Saint Augustine, Fl and right now it is getting colder and suppose to freeze this week. It has been in the 30's this past week. Is my bunny okay to continue to live strictly outdoors in such cold (even freezing) weather ??? Thank you for you time and help.

Dear Ashley,

To be on the safe side, I would bring bun indoors during the cold weather.  We're down in Miami, and we have wild rabbits in our yard.  We have just put up the heat lamps for them, since they refuse to come inside where it's warm.  :)

But a domestic rabbit might be quite miserable out there if it's freezing.  

If you absolutely *cannot* bring him inside and put him in a bathroom with some mats and towels and a litterbox, then AT LEAST provide him with heat lamps (NOT inside the dog houses, and this would make it too hot and could be a fire hazard) placed about 24" above the ground and with the wires well out of his reach.  Make sure the heat lamps are not close to anything they could ignite, such as straw or hay.

Also be sure his little houses are equipped with warm, dry 100% cotton mats, blankets (no holes, as these can cause serious/life-threatening injury!) and fresh, dry straw so he can snuggle in and keep warm.

I hope this helps.
