Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > longevity


22 10:40:08

We have a California Meat Rabbit as a pet. She lives outside. We have a hutch inside a good-sized dog kennel and move it periodically to keep the greens fresh for her to eat. We keep a low-watt heat lamp in the non-nesting side of the hutch. My question is (finally), how long is it estimated that she will live?  We do feed pellets, plain oats, fresh vegetables/fruits and she has a salt wheel. She is about 4 years old. Thank you for your time.
Lisa Jeffrey

Dear Lisa,

A well-cared for house rabbit who is spayed/neutered and provided with a healthy diet:

and proper care, as per the instructions at

can live well into her teens.  It all depends on husbandry, genes, and even luck.

I hope your bunny gives you many years of love and happiness.

P.S. - There's no such thing as a "Meat Rabbit" any more than there is such a thing as a "Meat Human."  She is a companion, not a meal.