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Rabbit spasming

22 10:44:13

Out Small (10 weeks) albino dwarf lop has episodes (circa 30 seconds each / approx twice a day) of spasms strong enough to shake his whole body around a second apart, from feel these are coming from the ribcage rather than stomach, the rabbit seems to be breathing normally, heart beating normally and does not seem stressed by the episodes but it is quite worrying for us!  Thank You for reading.


Dear Helen,

Is he usually relaxed when this happens?  It sounds very much as if he's hiccupping, which baby rabbits will do.  :)  As long as he shows no signs of breathing distress or sign of illness:

then I would not worry.  But if it really is like a seizure, then he should be seen by a good rabbit vet soon:

who can see the problem in person and diagnose what it is.  But from our description, it does sound like hiccups.  :)
