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back leg problem

22 10:18:37

I have a four month old lion head bunny. We have both of the parents and they are in very good health. The bunny is from a litter of five which are all healthy. I was changing his cage a little while ago(which he is the only one in it). When I picked him up, I realized his back foot was floppy.  I had him out last night and he was fine. I couldn't get him in to  our vet. He doesn't seem to be in any pain. He walks around but has no use of that foot. He's eating and drinking well. He's bright eyed and alert and is very responsive to me when I talk to him. I'm going to get him in to the vet first thing in the morning. We live in a small town and only have one vet that treats rabbits. I was wondering if you could tell me what you think it could be. He hasn't had any injury that I've seen.

Dear Debra,

By now, I'm guessing you're back from the vet and have perhaps learned that the bunny somehow broke his foot.  :(  If he isn't putting any weight on it at all, that's the most likely diagnosis, though the only way to know for sure is an in-person exam by the vet.

A broken leg or foot can heal quickly in a baby, as long as the break isn't one of those really bad ones (which can be of several types).  As long as it's stabilized, it should be able to knit.  I hope the vet was able to do this.

I hope he'll be fine again soon, and I'm sorry he had a little cryptic accident.  Rabbits are extremely stoic about pain, as they are prey items who instinctively hide any sign of weakness so as to avoid attracting the attention of a predator looking for the "weakest in the herd."

Please write back if you have any questions about this.  Sending healing thoughts.
