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rabbits: post spay behavior

22 10:29:37

hi there,

I got my mother rabbit spayed two weeks ago, and to minimize bonding
issues her daughter went with. Now everyone is home and my mother rabbit
appears to be very angry. She doesnt spend much time with me or has the
patience for long patting sessions like before, and does agressive things like
destroy a toy or portion of carpet for lengths of time. Ive seen her chase the
babygirl around as well but theres no sign of fighting so i havent separated
them. Is there anything i can do to calm her down and get my cuddly lovable
rabbit back? Or have i done some unspeakable thing taking her ovaries away
from her at 3 years old?

Thanks soo much.


no, you've done the right thing.  Separate her for now from the other rabbits.

It takes about 4-6 weeks after the spay procedure for her hormones to finally stabilize at her new lower levels.  they will fluctuate in the meantime as the gradually go down.  This will cause behavior changes that you are experiencing.

Just be patient with her.  Give her extra love and attention.  You don't need to actually hold her or pet her, but just being in the room while she's out exercising, talking to her, letting her come to you, etc.  Give her an extra little treat now and then.  

You have basically taken away her early death sentence by getting her spayed.  Most females get uterine cancer and die around 5-6 years old (or earlier).  By spaying her she will live 10-12 (or more) years as an indoor house rabbit.

Her behavior will improve.  Just let her be solo for now.  She needs the 4-6 weeks to adjust.  Don't try bonding right now.
