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My two female rabbits are fighting

22 10:04:18

i have 2 female lop ear rabbits. I got one of them a year ago and the other one 6 months ago.they got along very well for a year and then ive been noticing since last week they havent been eating their normal food, which they have been eating reguarly. Also they have been fighting since last week. Please help me i dont know what to do. PS. they fight inside and outside their cage and also under supervision, at night and when no one is nearby.

Dear Nadia,

If the girls are not spayed, then hormones are likely playing a role in their aggression.  It's important to have both spayed for this reason, and also because unspayed females have a very high risk of uterine cancer.  Once they are healed and calmed (which can take a few weeks), you can try to reintroduce them with the tips in the articles here:

But until then, they should under no circumstances be allowed to fight.  Rabbits have very long memory and they do not forgive.  If they get into serious fights now, they may be enemies forever, no matter how much you try to reintroduce them.

So get them separated now, though still able to see/smell/visit with each other across a barrier, as long as they don't show aggression across the barrier.  If they do, then separate them more until they can be spayed and reintroduced with proper precautions.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

and please read:

Hope this helps.
