Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Which wood types are safe for rabbits?

Which wood types are safe for rabbits?

22 9:43:22

Hi Dr. Krempels,
I am planning on building a playhouse for my rabbit, and I am wondering which types of wood are safe to use. I have read online in various places that solid Pine, Poplar, Maple, Birch, Cherry, and Oak are all okay. Do you agree? What about formaldehyde-free plywood that is now on the market?

Thank you for your input.


Dear Carin,

Yes, all those should be safe, even if bun chews them a bit.  The key is to NOT use anything pressure-treated, painted, stained, etc.

I've not used the formaldehyde-free plywood, but would wonder what substitute they put in there as a preservative.  It might not out-gas formaldehyde, but if chews, it might not be completely harmless. I just don't know, and the manufacturers aren't telling (as far as I can see).

If the bun doesn't chew the ply, it should be fine to use that.

Hope that helps.
