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Discharge from our 7yr old does nipple

22 10:04:33

Hi Dana Krempels, Our 7 year old Mini rex doe has clear discharge oozing from her nipple which squirts if squeezed, Could you tell us why this would be happening?
Bunny wishes Angela

Dear Angela,

Whatever it is, it's not normal.  She needs to have her mammaries checked by an experienced rabbit vet who can check for abscesses/infection (mastitis) or for mammary cancer.  If she's not spayed, the latter is a real risk.  Please note that unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer, so also have her checked for that.  If she is a good surgical risk (as determined by the vet), then she should be spayed and have any cancerous mammary lesions removed.  This should be done ASAP to reduce the chance of metastasis and recurrence.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
