Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > interbreeding


22 11:08:24

hello, i am having a rabbit from a friend for my daughter. My friend thought she had two brothers but she went to the hutch last week and there were three baby rabbits in the hutch so one of them has turned out to be a girl! The thing is they are brother and sister so is this a bad thing? Will their offspring be ok or might they be abit mad?!

Hi Sadie,
if the babies were born without birth defects or illness,you needn't worry about them being "mad". I'm sure as a pet your new bunny will be perfectly great! Remember,lot's of pet stores sell inbred bunnies to public,and they make perfectly good long as you don't intend on being a breeder,you'll be ok...Happy Holidays,Elizabeth