Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny has maggots

bunny has maggots

22 9:53:20

so our bunny seems to have maggots? they are white/yellow and have burrowed in her skin under her neck and on her side. what are they? what do they do? what should WE do to get rid of them?

Dear Olivia

Get your bunny to a rabbit vet IMMEDIATELY:

This is a life-threatening emergency, and the maggots are eating her alive.  If these are blowfly maggots, you have very little time.  For now, douse the affected areas with full-strength betadine to flush the maggots.  Be ready with tweezers: one person must hold the bunny while the other captures the maggots and puts them in a glass of hot, soapy water to kill them.  If there are a LOT of maggots, gently hold bunny so that the affected area can be washed with lukewarm water from the faucet, to rinse out the maggots and get as many as possible OFF off her NOW.

I cannot tell you how important it is to get her to the vet.  NO anesthesia:  she is likely too compromised to survive it at this point.  And even if there is a lot of tissue damage, rabbits *can* survive this. So if the vet is not experienced and is completely grossed out, be sure you tell him/her that Tegaderm bandages can be used to guard affected areas while they granulate in and heal.  Bunny will need antibiotics and long-term care during recovery.

Right now, she may be in shock.  That means emergency care NOW NOW NOW.

Please get to the vet NOW.
