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Revolution for Fleas Rabbit, dosage, skin broken?

22 9:57:36


I recently moved into an apartment which it is now apparent, is infested with fleas. I have some revolution in the cat dosage, 60mL but it expired one month ago. Is it still effective? What would the dosage be for a 3-5 pound mini-rex rabbit? I believe he is about 3-4 lbs but could be 5. I could dose in the low range to be safe. What would the dosage for that be? He also appears to have some bald skin around his neck/behind his ears with some scabbing, I assume from scratching the itches. Is there anything I can do for him? I do have metacam, but am not sure if that is ok for rabbits. Can I use neosporin? Both of my normal exotics vets are out of town until Friday. Thanks very much.


Dear Meghan,

The Revolution is very likely just fine if it expired only a month ago, especially if it's never been opened.  If your bunny is 4-5 lbs (about 2kg), then you can use about 0.1 - 0.2cc on his shoulder blades to help kill the fleas.  But note you'll need to treat the environment as well (Borax in the carpet is rabbit-safe, and vacuuming like mad and then throwing out the bag is a must).

A very thin layer of neosporin on any open sores will be soothing and safe, but avoid using the types with any sort of topical anesthetic (they sting!).

Hope this helps.
