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I think my bunny is sick...

22 10:49:36

Hi. I have had my mini rex since Nov and I've been feeding him the proper diet and everything and making sure he has water daily. But a few days ago i gave my rabbit a bath and noticed that his lil.."buddy" down there was orange-ish and had crusted poop and now its day two and he's very kept to himself and his butt is leaking...yesterday his poop was mushy and wet so I gave him pure alfalfa hay and changed his water...i figured because he's still the same today that perhaps it was the alfalfa cuz usually i get timothy and maybe his stomach wasn't sitting well with it. But I just want to make extra sure if I should start worrying or its just an upset tummy.

please help me and my baby, Tux Matey

Hi Nadia

Your rabbit is an adult bunny.  Bunnies over 6 months old should not have alfalfa.  It is to high in protein and can cause all sorts of organ problems.  The best thing to do is to get him back on a diet with unlimited timothy hay.  If he is in a cage that has bedding make sure you clean it out every day while he has mushy poo.

You also need to take him to the doctor.  Runny poo is dangerous in rabbits.  It is often from a change in diet but can also be caused by an underlying illness.  They can take a fecal sample and test for bacteria.  

I wouldn't wait.  He really sounds like he has a problem.  Please take him to the doctor as soon as you can.

I really hope he is ok.

Good luck
