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Snapped off tooth

22 9:51:28

My little bunny just snapped of his tooth. He was running around the living room when he slid and hit something. I picked him up and he started licking/cleaning at his wound. I had to take the broken tooth out of his mouth.
I tried calling the vet but they are closed for Easter and when I called my father he said that rabbits break their teeth all the time and that it shouldn't be a big deal. I wanted to double check with someone who knew a little more though.
It snapped pretty close to his gums and, like I said, he was licking at his wound so he may have consumed some blood. Also he sounds very panicked right now; he is breathing heavy and sitting very still. He's only about five months old (he was three months when I bought him), and I'm really concerned for him.
Thanks for any advice you can give!

Rabbits do break their teeth occasionally.  It will most likely grow back but the fact that is bleeding is what concerns me.   If the bleeding is controlled all you need to do is watch him and make sure the tooth grows back normally.  They grow quite quickly but if he got the root it can be very painful.  Make sure he is eating and drinking normally and if he isn't you need to find an emergency animal hospital.  

Continue to watch his tooth and it should grow back before you know it.

Good luck
