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Hair loss, slightly runny stool

22 10:01:20

I was petting my rabbit of about a year when I noticed she was shedding hair more than usual. I also noticed that her stool was slightly runny, a little watery, and smells much worse than usual. She acts normal, running and jumping like she always does. This has never happened, and I'm concerned. She has a few carrots, green pepper, a small amount of broccoli, pellets, and Timothy Hay everyday. Is this some sort of episode or something very serious?


well, she might have missed eating part of a cecal pellet cluster (they eat their cecal pellets, which are smaller and have an aroma to them).  Also rabbits generally shed 4 times a year, with spring and fall being the heavier sheds.

However, since you've had her about a year, it would be good to get her in for her annual exam by a good rabbit vet.  to find a good rabbit vet (not all are) start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

And always keep up your habit of noticing anything that appears to be 'off' in her routine.  Especially when it comes to eating habits.