Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit has very mild nasal discharge.

My rabbit has very mild nasal discharge.

22 10:26:05

We purchased two holland lop bunnies 6 days ago. Today I noticed the larger male had very mild clear nasal discharge. He is eating like a pig & is very playful. He does not act sick at all. But I know that doesn't mean he may not still be sick. Also, this may seem like a stupid question but do rabbits get hiccups? I noticed after his mid afternoon playtime that when I put him put in the cage he looked like he had the hiccups.

Dear Shawna,

It's good to catch an upper respiratory infection early.  Please read:

and find a good vet here:

Yes, rabbits can get hiccups, which are just little spasms of the diaphragm muscle.  Any mammal can get them, and babies are more prone to them than adults.

And a wee rabbit with the hiccups is adorable, isn't he?


Hope this helps.
