Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is under 1 years old

my rabbit is under 1 years old

22 9:38:41

My rabbit isn't 1 years yet. Last night we found him just laying around. He is still eating and drinking but u have to hand feed it and the same with the water. But all he will move is his head and nothing else.  I was wondering if he could be paralyzed. I just dunno what to do with him. Don't want him stuffer and he also isn't neutered.

Hi Lindsay

Sorry to hear your rabbit isn't well. I really recommend a vet visit today!!

There are a number of issues that cause lethargy including gut stasis, bloat, the EC parasite or "floppy rabbit syndrome" or he may have physically injured himself as they do have a very fragile skeleton - these all require IMMEDIATE vet attention. There are no home treatments.

You can read this on floppy rabbit syndrome, but read whilst you're in the vet's waiting room!

Good luck.