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Injecting Duplocillin

22 9:45:59

I have a rabbit that is on long term Duplocillin for Pasteurellose.I have to inject her subcutaneously every three days ( it was every two days before ).My question is what am I doing so wrong that the medicine jams up like concrete in the syringe ? I have 3 cc syringe and 22 gage needles.The vet showed me how to proceed and most of the time all goes well but from time to time, it just...won't...budge.I am waiting a ton of syringe and a ton of duplo trying to actually inject the bunny.It is not because I do not place the needle correctly inside my bun, it is still rock hard when I try to push it out in the garbage pail.Since I am not actually made out of money so I can buy gallons of the stuff and mostly, I want to treat my rabbit correctly, can you help me ? I tried leaving the drawn out solution at room temperature but it helps only so much.
The term bad medicine does come to mind right now....

Hi Naomi,

I am not sure what the laws are in Canada for buying needles over the counter but I can tell you that a 22 gauge needle is way to small.  The medication you are giving has the consistency of a very thick pudding and it is actually thicker than the needle you are trying to push it through.  If you are allowed to buy needles from farm supply stores in Canada I would get some 18 gauge needles.  Use one needle to draw the medication up and then put on a fresh needle to inject into the skin.  By changing needles you are making sure the needle is still sharp.  When you inject it into the rubber stop to extract the medication it actually dulls the tip of the needle a bit and makes it very difficult to inject into the rabbit.  I understand that the 18ga needles are large and may be difficult to get into the skin but you really just have to aim and inject without hesitation.  It really does take practice.  Do you have any friends that are nurses?  Your vet can show you how but that does not make it any easier.  The only way you will get good at it is to practice.  Sometimes a person in the medical field will be able to help you with the actual procedure.

I am so sorry you are having problems.  I will tell you honestly that unless this pasterellosis infection is in the form of an abscess, I would not be using this medication.  If your bunny has a respiratory infection it should really have a culture and sensitivity test to determine which medication will work.  In my many years of caring for sick rabbits, I have never had a rabbit with respiratory issues recover with just bicillin.  Recently we have been using zithromax and have had amazing results.  

Good luck
