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hair lose

22 10:35:07

About 2-3 weeks ago my 2 month old bunny is loosing hair between her ears and the back of her neck. But she still has some hair like you have to go looking around to notice. Her skin is also a little red,pinkish, not white like the rest of her body. I was told that if could be fungus.

The two most common suspects are ringworm or mites. Ringworm is not actually a worm, but a fungal infection that can be transmitted to humans and other pets. It's really quite common, but you'll need a vet to confirm a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment (usually an antifungal ointment)

Fur mites can also cause hair loss and itchiness; my rabbit Rex is being treated for them right now, as a matter of fact. Like with ringworm, you'll need a vet to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment, usually an injection of Ivermectin.

You can find a rabbit savvy veterinarian from the House Rabbit Society's list:

And, if finances are an issue, some vets will offer payment plans. CareCredit is also a way to get the extra funds you need for vet bills:

Hope that helps!