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splay-legged baby rabbit

22 9:53:33

i have a wk old female rabbit whose back legs are pointing outward, she's moving around well and when you pick her up she loves the attention and she's eating and drinking even scratches with her back legs. is this going to get worse or should i get her put down.

Dear Cheryl,

There is certainly no reason to euthanize her.  She is perfectly happy despite her disability, and we have many splay-legged rabbits who live completely happy lives.

This is usually a congenital condition, and it can many times be remedied by bracing the baby as shown here:

If she's very small, she will likely not object much to the braces, and will get used to them quickly. Just having the legs in the right positions can stimulate communication between the cells forming her bones and muscles, and can promote more normal growth.  We have rescued many a splay-leg baby from having to live like a seal, though a few just don't seem to respond.

It is certainly worth a try, though.

And even if she can't be straightened, she can still be completely happy and joyful.  Our little splay-leg rescue, Boris, has his hind legs completely out to the sides (he ripped off his braces every time we tried to put them on, but he was already about 8 weeks old when he was found abandoned in an alley behind a pet shop) and one weak front leg that goes out to the side, but he can run like the wind and is an inspiration.  :)

So I hope this helps you with your little one.  I hope the braces do the trick.

Take care,
