Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > White-coated bunny poops

White-coated bunny poops

22 11:05:12

I checked my bunnys droppings and urine just now and was worried because the liquid surrounding the poops was a white paint like substance.  It was not clear in colour but almost exactly like white paint!  Is that normal? I have not seen that before

Dear Tracey,

My guess is that these are poops you found in the litterbox, yes?  Not ones that came "fresh from the chute"?

The bunny probably peed on the fecal pellets, leaving a white residue of chalky calcium salts on them.  This is normal, since rabbits excrete excess calcium in the urine.  As long as the white dust isn't thick, yellowish, or the consistency of toothpaste, I would not worry.

If the white coating is actually something coming out of the intestine, then I'd wonder if he ate something that's just now coming through the pipes.  As long as it's coming out, we're good.  Keep an eye on his output for another 24 hours or so.  As long as he's eating well and acting normal, I would not worry.  Otherwise, please see:

I hope this helps.
