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How old is too old to spay a rabbit?

22 9:50:13

I have a 5 year old mini rex. Aside from an issue with a bump in her ear I already wrote to you about (sorry about asking multiple questions!), she was deemed to be in good health when she was at the vet's last week.

My concern is this: when my family first got her, we were not aware that female rabbits were so prone to cancers of the reproductive system and did not get her spayed. When I took her in last week, the vet brought up the issue and suggested that I should consider it and discuss it when I brought her in this coming week. While she is healthy and I certainly do not want her to get cancer and/or have to undergo emergency surgery when she should still have several years ahead of her, I am a bit concerned about the risk involved.

I will be discussing this with the vet, but in the meantime I would be interested to hear what you have to say on the risks and benefits of having her spayed.

Dear Caitlin,

You're right that no surgery is 100% risk free.  Anesthesia has its own risks, and there can always be unforeseen mishaps.  But these are generally pretty rare.  If the vet is experienced with rabbits and competent, and your bunny has had a good wellness checkup beforehand, then this will help minimize the risk.

Not all unspayed females get cancer.  But the risk *is* quite high.  It's just the way they are "built."  

So I understand your dilemma.  If it's any comfort, your bunny is not old at the age of five, and our vets have successfully spayed many rabbits far older than that.  The problem is that the longer you wait, the greater her surgical risk as she ages.  And as she ages, her risk of cancer also increases.

You're wise to discuss this with your vet to be sure you know all the risks and benefits beforehand.  But if this were my bunny and she had a good wellness check, I would have her spayed.  The peace of mind and assurance of no uterine cancer in her future are that important.

I hope this helps.
