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females breeding with other females

22 11:17:39

is it naturally ok if other females breed with other females? I just got a bunny who is 4months old now. I also have a 3 year old female. Just yesterday I walked in to my room while they were out and my youngest was on the older rabbit. They keep doing that and we don't know what to do. It is quite hard to seperate them.what should we do?

That is actually a sign of dominance and aggression toward the other rabbit. When they are old enough, I would highly suggest getting them spayed, especially if they are going to remain together. It will help curb that aggression, which can lead to much more serious forms of aggression (like biting). It will also prevent them from getting deadly uterine or overian cancer. Finally, hormones can make them act aggressive toward humans, too, and spaying will help keep that in check.