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my males are fighting

22 11:34:11

hi there my male and male rabit are fighting all the <a href="">time and the big male is always biting my other males furr out i have seperated them in to a different cage but there is a female in the cage was they fighting over her. now my male keeps jumping on the females back i dont mind if they have babies though. but is the fighting normal

Dear Charlie,

Unfortunately, the fighting is very normal for male rabbits.  They can do extremely serious damage to each other, so be sure *not* to put them together ever again.

All three rabbits should be spayed/neutered for their health and longevity.  Please read the following articles:


I hope this helps with the problem.  Please write back if you have any other questions, but get those bunnies "fixed" as soon as possible, or you will literally be buried under baby rabbits.  A female rabbit can conceive within hours of giving birth, and that means her next litter will be born before the first one is even weaned (eight weeks *minimum*, and gestation is 30 days!).  This puts a horrible strain on her health, and will predispose her to many health problems.

Good luck,
