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furr loss in rabbit

22 9:57:11

My rabbit is about 5 years old. For months his skin has been somewhat crusty and falling off. It is not continuous and gets better on and off. The fur smells strange and he has no other symptoms at all. I tried putting a warm cloth on it and it seemed like it felt good but didn't seem to help. What is wrong with him?


your rabbit has a real medical condition that you need to go to a good rabbit vet to, for a proper diagnosis and treatment.  As you can see it is not going away, and most rabbit problems that require medical attention and prescription drugs do not go away by themselves.  It's probably a fungal infection.  

Why your first reaction was not to see a good rabbit vet in the first place is a little puzzling.  Anytime your rabbit has an obvious medical problem you don't know what it is and how to treat it, you need to get into a good rabbit vet as soon as you can.  Something that appears minor or inconsequential can lead to life threatening problems.  

If you need to find a good rabbit vet, as not all are, start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended site near you.

Get your rabbit in to a good vet as soon as physically possible.  Whatever he's had has been around for months - the correct, strong prescription drugs will be needed to eliminate it.