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lionhead rabbits gestation period?

22 10:47:22

Hello, my lionhead doe is pregnant and is now on day 31 with no nesting tendencies, she is not carrying straw or aggressive.  I know she is pregnant as I can clearly see the babies moving about inside of her tummy when she is stretched out, kicks and bulges etc.  Do lionhead rabbits have a longer gestation period?  Thanks.

Hi Michele, thanks for taking the time to ask your question :-)

In short the answer is no, gestation period is anywhere from 28 to 32 or even 33 days.

It could be possible that you have slightly miscalculated the dates.

If you see any blood or notice your doe straining as if urinating but not passing anything then please get her to a vet as soon as possible, if she has a baby stuck it could be potentially life threatening for her and the newborns

Good luck! And please do let me know how you get on, would love to hear how many she has

Gem x