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fur mites on a rabbit question

22 10:58:57


Is there any thing over the counter that I can use to treat fir mites on a rabbit? I can not afford both vet fees, dispensing fees and the medication.

Our rabbit has white flaky pieces of skin attached to her fur along her spine. It looks exactly like the pictures of fur mites I have seen. I also described to it someone who used to raise show rabbits and she too said it sounds like fur mites.

Thank you in advance,


Hi Linda

You can use over the counter medicine made for baby kittens.  It has to be safe for kittens under 8 weeks old.  I can't tell you exact brands or anything because we only use prescription medication.  If you want to ask someone who knows more about healthy over the counter medicine you should ask Mr. Lee Meyer.  He has all the references on natural medicine.

Hi Linda,

Sorry I wasn't clear.  Yes the kitty flea powder also works for mites.  We recommend that any rabbit that is either around other rabbits or is around dogs/cats or outside be treated a few times a year.  For acute infections you need to treat them monthly.