Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit have been hurt and i dont know what to do!!!

My rabbit have been hurt and i dont know what to do!!!

22 10:48:59

My rabbit was in his cage outside and a wild dog bit his feet and dragged them between the holes in the cage and now his feet are ripped to pieces and he is chewing on them and making them bleed more he has already chewed them to the bone! WHY!!!!


I don't know why he is doing this other than that he is in shock and it may be a reflex action or trying to get rid of pain.  He may believe the source of pain is something that is underneath the skin and that he will get relief if he can remove it.  

That is not the important thing here - you have to get your rabbit to a vet immediately.  Emergency vet if you have one in your area.  Your rabbit is in shock and can die from this.

If your rabbit survives (and I hope he does) please consider keeping him inside as a house rabbit.  He has gone through one of the worst traumas (and you as his owner too) and you don't ever want him to go through it again.

Please, give him some water if possible but you absolutely must get him to an emergency vet or your regular vet - in either case call whichever place you are going to beforehand and let them know you are coming in with an injured rabbit - hind legs injured from a dog attack.  Put some ice cubes iin a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a towel in his carrier, line the carrier with towels and put him in and go!  If you have Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy on hand, give him 4-5 squirts on his tongue.  

You must get him to a vet.  He needs antibiotics and pain meds, and depending on the damage, sutures and maybe some surgery.

Don't keep him outside anymore.  You can't protect him properly outside where you live if dogs can do this to him.

Vet or emergency vet now!
