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mites, fleas & lemongrass

22 11:08:28


I have a hamster with demodex aurati mites and am concerned my rabbit may get them. Is this mite species transferrable to rabbits? I had the impression this was a hamster specific mite, but I want to make sure. Also, is lemongrass oil safe to use on rabbits for fleas?


Dear Melinda,

The mites probably will not be transmissible to your rabbit, although rabbits can harbor several species of mites specific to them.  To safely and effectively treat and prevent them, Revolution (selamectin) is the best choice, and readily available from your trusted rabbit vet:

Lemon grass extract contains limonene, which can be toxic to small animals.  I would not use it.  Just because something is extracted from a plant doesn't mean it's harmless:  the plant manufactures those compounds to kill/deter herbivores, and they can be very poisonous.

I hope this helps.
