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snuffles symptoms

22 11:34:46


I have a male rabbit (approx. 16wks).  He was sneezing a lot for about 3 weeks.  Now, he doesn't seem to sneeze (he does sneeze occasionally) but has a white mucus comming from his nose.  Is this a possible symptom of snuffles?

I appreciate you help.  (The local vet. wants $200.00 just to say "hello".)


Sure sounds like classic snuffles to me.  You should get small animal injectible Baytril (sorry only available from a vet, but is rather inexpensive).  An average size bunny gets about .5 to 1 cc twice a day for 10 days.  

It is important to treat snuffles right away because it won't go away on its own and can escalate to something worse.
